Exciting news! We're planning to hold two swaps at the Eco-Chic Expo on May 1st. The first will be at 11am and the next at 1pm.
We will have the swap area set up on the stage at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center as a lounge where we can hang out, chat, snack and enjoy some of the great samples our exhibitors will be giving out!
As always, if you have things to list, please bring them [limit 10 per Seller] and we'll photograph them and list them for you right there at the swap. What could be easier?
We're going to debut new $10, $5, and $2 tables. The tables will be be bring-an-item, take-an-item; a simple honor system to easily swap out toys, gear and clothes for something new-to-you!
Do I have to sign up for a specific swap time?
If you're a seller, please have your sold items to me at the swap by 11am on May 1st.
If you're a buyer, you can choose whichever swap time fits your schedule best. All items to be picked up at the swap will be there by 11 am.
If you're a buyer, you can choose whichever swap time fits your schedule best. All items to be picked up at the swap will be there by 11 am.
Can I buy and sell things at the live swap at the Expo?
mamaswap swaps work a little differently than classic swaps. We hold "swaps" every two weeks for items that have been bought and sold through the site. No money ever changes hands at a mamaswap swap; all items have already been paid for online. The swaps serve as an alternate delivery method to picking the item up directly from the Seller's house or shipping it and are a great way to meet other mamaswappers.
How do the dollar tables work?
We will be setting up $10, $5, and $2 tables. The tables will be be bring-an-item, take-an-item; a simple honor system to easily swap out toys, gear and clothes for something new-to-you! Any item left on the tables at the end of the day will be donated to an appropriate charity of our choice.
Is there a size limit on items I can bring for the dollar tables?
No, but we encourage you to limit larger gear (carseats, swings, large toys, etc.) to 5 items. If it's too big to put on a table, please use mamaswap.com to swap it rather than bringing it to the Expo.
What's all this about listing items at the Expo?
We will have a space set up to photograph and list any item that you want to sell on mamaswap.com. We ask that you limit the number of items that you bring for us to list for you to 10 small items (i.e. clothes, small toys, books, small gear) or 5 large items (i.e. carseats, swings, large toys, all your child's 6-12 month clothes).
This service is free of charge and intended to help you become a regular mamaswap Seller. It is not intended to facilitate sale of your items at the Expo. Please plan to bring the items back home with you; any items left with us at the end of the day will be de-listed and donated.